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Aug 25, 2013

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How do we learn?

I asked myself this question today: if I want to improve how people can learn, first, I should try and understand how we actually learn. Here’s the list I came up with, in a few minutes, so forgive me for that or add something that I forgot.

Where am I going with all this?

Well, if you gave some attention to the list above, you might have learned something. But here’s something you might not have noticed: the only “forced” method of learning was school (or in some cases practice).

In most countries, by law, kids must go to school until a certain age. I’m not saying we should abolish this law, what I am saying is: why should school, a place for learning, only teach something that is limited, to fulfil a syllabus and sit an exam? Educational institutions should teach and give the opportunity for people to learn what they want. You learn more by practice than theory, or at least a good balance of both.

I hope to build a tool that will enable students to have a place where their minds can fill to full capacity, like a gas expanding to fill its container. Tom is cooperating with me on this project; we’re really excited about it, so get behind us if you can!